Course Information and Application 

Download application pack for Cohort 24, please use these forms only and return directly 

Applications are now invited for PDAPL Cohort 24. The closing date is Monday 24th June 2024. All applications must be submitted to the following email address:   Applications emailed to individuals at LNW will be returned and redirected to the dedicated email address, we hope that this new process will ensure that applications are not lost/duplicated. Thank you in advance.

Attached is the application pack and below details of Taught days.  This can also be found on our website.   Please ensure that all applicants know that Taught Days are mandatory and require attendance. There have been a number of PE’s (in training) unable to attend current/previous cohort taught days and are subsequently having to attend taught days with a different cohort which is out of sync with their course work/student placements and results in a less satisfactory learning experience. Thankyou.
Finally, please ensure that in the PDAPL Agency Reference there is an identified Assessor noted.  Agencies are asked to confirm a suitable assessor at the point of application. Agencies are responsible for providing or meeting the costs for an assessor. If you would like more details about requirements for the assessors role please contact Dayna Mehrdad at for details.    

Programme dates for Cohort 2024

•    Applications invited:                           Monday 8th April 2024                    
•    Information session:                            Monday 3rd June 2024
•    Closing date for applications:             Monday 24th June 2024      
•    Applicants informed of decision:        Week ending 12 July 2024   

Taught Days:

  • Induction Day   Thursday 15th August                  09:30 – 13:00          Byres Road Community Hub room 163
  • Day 1                     Wednesday 21 August 2024        09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC
  • Day 2                     Thursday 22 August 2024            09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC
  • Day 3                     Wednesday 02 October 2024       09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC
  • Day 4                     Thursday 03 October 2024          09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC
  • Day 5                     Wednesday 06 November 2024   09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC
  • Day 6                     Thursday 07 November 2024       09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC
  • Day 7                     Wednesday 05 February 2025     09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC
  • Day 8                     Thursday 10 April 2025                09:30 – 16:00          Venue TBC